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wool is a wool

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Elmo project2
elmo is coming

Wool is a Material in Raft. and it very goodful for make stuff?


Found by shaving down Obama with Shears.


Patch notes

Project Elmo Update

Elmo was added to the game not long after the industry baby (LilNasX) update and the industry baby and Elmo can interact with each other. Industry baby is hostile towards Elmo because of industry baby's recent break up with Oscar the trash can monster (Elmo is now dating Oscar). Elmo also made a fire track about Oscar that I actually somewhat helped him make and listen to it on Spotify please. Elmo's username on Spotify is Arianna Grande by the way. Elmo has a spaceship to get you off of the planet so it is a instant win but first you NEED to listen to his song on Spotify please his alternative Spotify account is named Doja Cat. Also listen to LilNasX or he will come and find you in the game and if you die in the game you die in real life. New creatures have also been added to the game such as (Bald man7, sonic the hedgehog and DaBaby the rapper). If you come across DaBaby you either need to run away as fast as you can or yell LET'S GO extremely loud into you microphone and tame DaBaby. If DaBaby is tamed he will give you items like convertibles and tracks that DaBaby hasn't released yet (Very exclusive tracks only found on Raft). DaBaby also has many voice lines that he will say as you play here is a list of a few; Les gooo, Ima turn into a convertible (and many more). If Bald man7 sees you your game will instantly crash and your computer will explode. If you see Sonic the hedgehog you can ask him to distract Bald man7 and he will obey.
