Raft Wiki
Raft Wiki

Category Map is used to categorize our pages to categories.


Category map only applies for pages in main namespace (content articles), i.e. pages in Raft category.

Other namespaces are out of the scope of this rule and have no fixed rules. If you have any question about which category should you use, ask administrators.


Raft category is divided into 5 subcategories, based on form of the feature:

  1. Items (most of things in-game)
  2. Structures (can be built by Building Hammer)
  3. Environment (islands, objects)
  4. Mechanics (effects and mechanisms)
  5. Entities (threats and livestock)


Items category contains every single item in-game. Currently, this is the biggest category on the wiki.

This category is divided into 4 groups, based on way they are obtained.

  1. Craftable (Crafting Menu category) - items which can be crafted from the Crafting Menu
    1. Food & Water
    2. Other
    3. Tools
    4. Weapons
    5. Equipment
    6. Resources
    7. Navigation
    8. Decorations
  2. Obtainable - can be only obtained outside of crafting menu and can exist in inventories. It is not marked as category, so categories listed below are categorized directly into the Raft category.
    1. Materials
    2. Sustenance
    3. Recipes
    4. Dishes
  3. Loot Containers - containers/boxes containing items, the container cannot be obtained as an item
  4. Quest Items - do not exist as in-game items, can be used to complete quests in Story locations


Structures are object created with Building Hammer. The wiki is not dividing them yet, so all fall into Structures category.


Environment covers static structures or objects, and places. They are divided into 2 categories. "Locations" category is then divided into 3 subcategories

  1. Locations
    1. Story Islands
    2. Tropical Islands
    3. Biomes
  2. Objects


Entities category covers all NPC characters in-game.

They are divided into Threats and Livestock categories
