Raft Wiki

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/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Hydra skin */

/***** GENERAL STYLES *****/
/* Body */
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/***** HEADER STYLES *****/
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/***** SEARCH *****/
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/*** Search suggestions ***/
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/***** SITENOTICE *****/
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/***** SIDEBAR *****/
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/***** CONTENT *****/
/*** General ***/
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/*** FPboxes ***/
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/*** Links ***/
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/*** Table of content ***/
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/*** Lists ***/
ul {

/*** Wikitable ***/
/* Won't be implemented now to test new design */

/*** Navboxes ***/
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/*** Galleries ***/
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/*** Codes and pre-formated code ***/
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/*** Category links ***/
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/*** Fixes ***/
#pagehistory li{

/***** EDITOR *****/
/* Drop files here (msupload)*/
#msupload-div {
	background: #0e89a5;

/***** FOOTER *****/
div#footer {
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  background: #eef2f4;
  color: #343c46;

/*** For elements which only display in the mobile view ***/
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