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Islands 2

Islands are an environmental element in Raft.


 Islands can contain various food items and flowers on the land, along with other resources located in the water near the island. Islands come in different shapes and sizes, with varying resources on each island, and It may be necessary to build several floors on your raft in order to climb onto the island. Abandoned huts can be found on islands, underwater and on land. On very large islands, two unique enemies can be found; the Pufferfish, and the Screecher. They are in addition to the Shark that follows you around the game.

The following resources can only be found on islands:

The following resources can only be found underwater around islands:

Be aware that if you jump onto an island and your raft sails away due to not being anchored, after some time(depends how fast raft is moving), the island will despawn, dumping you into the water to be attacked by the shark. This is due to the raft being the focus of the game's creation engine, and anything too far from your raft is unable to be loaded and kept in game.



[[1]] [Build]
